Saturday, November 28, 2009

Interesting poll today from Roy Morgan....

Which party would you vote for...

I believe in AGW

Perhaps I should clarify that.

The only thing anthropogenic about global warming/climate change is the way that man cooked the graphs and stifled dissent, and we can now see evidence in the CRU leaked documents.

Climategate for Dummies

From Prison Planet.

Lots of links...

Flannery's incomplete understanding - admission sailed right over Tony Jones' head.

TONY JONES: I mean, what sceptics like Andrew Bolt would argue is that it's happening because there are people out there who don't believe these scientists, now they appear to have proof, there's a dissension among the scientists, and they are not letting the public know that there's dissension between themselves about the arguments about what is happening. Take one, because one of these published emails, it goes to one of the hottest sceptic arguments, that since 1998, and I say hot, you know, advisedly, because 1998 the hottest year, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased after that, but the temperature did not keep going up. So the argument of the sceptics is therefore the theory of global warming is not working like it should.

TIM FLANNERY: Well, the thing is we deal with an incomplete understanding of the way the earth's system works, we know enough to say as the IPCC said that greenhouse gases cause warming. They are 90 per cent sure, 90 per cent plus sure that it's caused by humans, we can go that far. In the last few years, were there hasn't been a continuation of that warming trend, we don't understand all of the factors that create earth's climate, so there are some things we don't understand, that's what the scientists were email about, you know, we don't understand the way the whole system works, and we have to find out.

TONY JONES: The published email that made the front pages of papers was from a respected US climatologist, called Kevin Trenberth saying we can't account for the lack of warming, it's a travesty that we can't. He appears worried that science is not doing the right thing or the climate is not doing what he expected it to do.

TIM FLANNERY: No, it's not. These people work with models, computer modelling, when the computer modelling and the real world data disagrees you have a problem, that's when science gets engaged. What Kevin Trenberth, one of the most respected climate scientist in the world, is saying is, "We have to get on our horses and find out what we don't know about the system, we have to understand why the cooling is occurring, because the current modelling doesn't reflect it". And that's the way science progresses, we can't pretend to have perfect knowledge, we don't. We have to go forward and formulate policy on the basis of what we know now.

TONY JONES: Is it right that cooling occurring? I mean 1998 was the hottest year, there's many other hottest years since recorded history in that 10 year period. Are they right to say it's cooling or not?

TIM FLANNERY: We had a huge cooling event in Sydney between yesterday and today. Time scales are important. If you take too short a time scale you won't get a climate signal, you get a regional weather signal or whatever else. The scales that the climate scientists use to look at the overall trend is century long, and on that trend we are still warming, sure for the last few years we have gone through a slight cooling trend, we saw it in the 1940s the same sort of thing, but that does not negate the overall warming trend.
Read it all here.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Risk Assessment

Which threat is real?

a) This one...


b) This one?

Let me say I think that a) is an immediate threat. We should do everything in our power to stop any pandering to anyone who believes that they can control the climate.

Then let me say that the real threat is the pandering which appears to be occurring as far as b) is concerned. Note the victim statements from the professional victims...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What's an ETS going to cost? What about extra charges due to the drought...

Those extra charges due to the drought were supposed to be dropped when the water situation improved...

How interesting...
Carbon tax could increase electricity costs from 40% to 100%
Then there'd be another 30% on top of that for green power initiatives
Then another 30% increase in supply charges.

Hello? Is anyone paying attention?

All this to "solve" a problem which doesn't exist...

Letting the world pass by

I'm going to be a bit busy for a while, slouching around the blogs won't get my job applications done. Of course, I'm still working so that takes a bit of time.

I have two job applications to prepare which must be done by 4 Dec 09.

And just for you, here's some valuable information emailed to me yesterday:

Fact of Life:
After Monday and Tuesday
even the calendar says W T F ?

And aside from all the stuff I have to do at home at the moment, keeping an eye on the implosion of AGW is exhausting, trying to refrain from breaking things and throwing things while the ABC and other outlets drone on with the AGW is gonna get us line, waters' rising, blah, blah, blah, it's all too much!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Insiders 22/11/0

This may or may not be interesting...

With the current unfolding scandal of the hacked/whistleblown data files from CRU. I wonder if it will rate a mention on Insiders...

Let's see what happens...

Nope. Nothing on the ABC news, so they don't know about the "Hacking Scandal" yet.

Well, it is about climate change... This week they must decide...

Yawn, same old same old.

The bites of parliament are interesting.

What's this about Michin saying he'll vote with the party? Woot?

That's the end of the soundbites from parliament.

Now onto the, wait for it, what a surprise, refugees and the Oceanic Viking...

Chris Pyne is the guest.

Malcolm Farr - Rann's indiscretions. Michelle and then Mike... well.

Misha Schubert - Equal pay for women...

Gerard Henderson -

Christopher Pyne - agw believer. Pfft.

Obviously noone has seen anything about the leaking of the condemning "conspiracy" emails from CRU. I wonder if, prior to airing the program, they made a deal not to mention the CRU UK leak... it is not beyond the realms of possibility.

- phonecall in the middle of the program. I doubt I missed much. It seems they haven't heard about the AGW Leak.

Mowing, schmowing. I'ts already stinking hot, unlike yesterday, the sun is out without the early morning haze which kept it cool yesterday morning... it's already 27 in the house...