Friday, June 13, 2008

Mugabe militia murders opposition leader's wife

An hour later they were back. They grabbed Mrs Chipiro and chopped off one of her hands and both her feet. Then they threw her into her hut, locked the door and threw a petrol bomb through the window.

So, who is going to do something about Zimbabwe?

(H/T Pogs)


Skeeter said...

Thanks for finding this Kae. We have seen no mention of this truly horrific story on the electronic media and a Google search finds no mention of it in the Oz MSM.
I recently wrote to an ex-journo and asked him why the Australian media are not covering the Iraq conflict any more. His response was that the sub-editors decide each day what is going to be printed, and only the most sensational items will be allocated space.
Apparently, winning a war where our troops have been fighting for years, or an opposition leader's missus being maimed and then thrown into a fire, are not sensational enough to print.

stackja1945 said...

kae, the BBC is outraged. The UN will attack the US for supposed abuse but never dictators. End of story.
skeeter, the MSM have a love affair with Muggerbe. They do not like Bush.

Margo's Maid said...

First I've heard of this story is on your blog, kae...Go the MSM.

RebeccaH said...

No one is going to do a thing about Zimbabwe. After all, it's only blacks murdering blacks. Now, if Mugabe's thugs were white, the media elite of the entire world would be howling to raise heaven.

And if European or American (read: white) forces were to invade Zimbabwe in order to rescue its people from massacre, that same media elite would be screaming about imperialism and cultural meddling.

Paco said...

Whoever does anything about it, it sure as hell ain't going to be .

Paco said...

Hmm. Somehow my link got reduced to a dash (it still works, though).

Anonymous said...
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Pogria said...

Hey Kae,

looks like your window-licker is back!

Better get out the Windex.

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Boy on a bike said...

The MSM won't touch it as chopping people up can be defined as "traditional cultural practices", like raping kiddies and that sort of thing.

Kae - what have you done to offend the window-licker? Is there a KKK equivalent for bloodnuts?