Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More AGW Tosh, so Alaska files suit!

Yay Alaska.

Suit filed over Polar Bears, NYT.

Alaska seeks to reverse U.S. polar bear decision.

Alaska's suit contends that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- part of the Interior Department and the agency that helped make the polar bear decision -- failed to consider that polar bears have survived through previous warming periods.

Environmental groups vowed to seek to have the lawsuit dismissed.

"The state's lawsuit isn't about the science of global warming and polar bears," said Melanie Duchin of Greenpeace USA. "It is merely doing the bidding of oil companies that want to drill for oil in sensitive polar bear habitat, without any concern for how that oil will impact the climate when it's burned."

"BIG OIL! Global Warming! BIG OIL! Global Warming! BIG OIL!" quote from Greenpeace rep.

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