In October 1986 I was able to travel to Bathurst for The Big Race. A friend, knowing how much I liked watching motor racing, asked if I'd like to go. I was the friend of his girlfriend. They'd split up. The trip had been planned for a while, well, as much as you can when you throw a line at someone saying "Hey! Next time you get freebies for Bathurst from the club, if you've got a spare, I'd love to go."
A few weeks before the trip he asked me sheepishly whether it would be OK to bring his new g/f. Sheesh! I didn't have designs on him and what happened between my friend and him was between them. As far as I knew he was upfront with her and that's all you can ask for when a relationship ends.
My friend in Queensland had sent her son to stay with my family as he was having trouble at school and she thought that Mum would be able to sort out what was going on, whether it was him or the school, Mum's an infants/primary school teacher.
We had a great time, I'm sure he enjoyed himself, too. Even though the "I wants" got a bit tedious and I threatened to belt him from one end of Mt Panorama to the other (shocked looks on passersby - to whom I said "I'ts OK. I'm not his Mum. I'm his aunty.")
Sorry this post is such a mess. It's previewing all over the place, too.
Tight jeans, Dumlop Romes on the feet, flannel shirts...
...what a time that was.
I was really pleased that the pix of the moving cars came out... I wondered if I had the techniqe right.
I only had a crappy camera, nothing spec.
And my current camera has karked it now, too. It's black with occasional white streaks across the screen.
Wonder when I'll get my cheque from ATO? (tax return). It's gonna have to go a long way, now.
Poor Horse will be getting his cut to get cut.
Love the photos, Kae.
Thanks, Margos.
It was an amazing weekend. We knew about the accident, but we didn't know that the driver had been killed on Conrod Strait.
I developed a strong taste for a little, tiny, chateau collapsible bladder which contained Clarsac (I think that was the red, Valsac was the white wine). It was pretty cheap, too.
Oh my God, kae, "Clarsac"
It's still my fav, but now it comes in chateau cardboard!
Strange thing, I can appreciate really good vine as well.
Never had a chance to be at the race in body, but never missed it on the the teve.
Hope you enjoy your memories.
It sure brings back some of mine.
Now that I have the scanner to scan slides and negatives too, we relive the past so to speak as I scan them.
Takes forever though, same as with the old vinyl records I tried to convert to digital.
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