Friday, January 9, 2009

First deaths from Global Warming? Gaia fights back?

The two men had ignored safety barriers and warnings and had approached the face of the Fox glacier on the west coast of New Zealand's South Island to take photographs late on Thursday afternoon.

These young men were intelligent, one was an aerospace engineer...

I suppose that reading and obeying precautionary safety signs wasn't their strong point. Now I suppose there will be a better fence assembled to protect fools.


mythusmage said...

Life ends on odd occasions. The two took a risk, and lost.

It being necessary for young men to do daring things, the right to take suicidal risks shall not be infringed.

Caz said...

Alas, not anything daring or manly about forgoing the one dollar postcard in lieu of taking your very own death defying photos - in defiance of a well considered safety barrier, and failing to defy death at all.

Damned sad for the family. Wasted young lives, for no good reason.

kae said...

Mythus, I don't think they realised how dangerous it may be - but they still ignored the signs.

Caz, hmm. Don't really think they were being daring or manly, just thought that it couldn't happen to them. You do that when you're young...

It's a terrible waste, and awful for the family who have lost two sons.

Caz said...

No neither do I, Mythus thought they were though.