Thursday, February 19, 2009

Q&A ABC Tonight 19/2/09

Wayne Swan - Federal Treasurer
Joe Hockey - Shadow Treasurer
Christine Milne - Green's Senator
Paul Howes - National Secretary of the Australian Workers' Union
Kate Carnell - Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Food and Grocery Council

Main site.

Sorry Joe, but I kinda wish it was Costello...

I take it back, Joe, I've heard a few soundbites, and the little I heard last night before I fell into bed was a quite pointed dig at Rudd about not sacking someone who steps out of line, for example Belinda Neale, James Bidgood, etc.

Update II:
Transcript is up here.


Skeeter said...

I missed last night's Q&A but I imagine that everyone jumped to the ringmaster's whip as usual.

Out of Costello and Hockey, Joe would be my pick at the moment. Remember, he built up quite a lot of experience debating Mr Rudd on all those Ch 7 breakfast shows and he seemed to come out on top most times.
I will be watching Question Time and National Press Club addresses to see how raw, unedited Joe Hockey performs in his new role.
What the voters should be looking for is not whether Costello would be a better treasurer than Hockey, but whether Hockey would be a better treasurer than Swann.
Costello, for all his skills, has developed into too much of a show-pony to help get the Libs re-elected in the present circumstances.
And, unless the Coalition starts to show some unity and spine in the next few months, the media will not allow them to be re-elected any time soon.

tw: asednes: A mental disorder that blocks logical thinking. Those afflicted cannot foresee consequences of their actions.

Anonymous said...

I just read the transcript. I may have to start watching TV again.