Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hypnagogic Jerk

No, not Al Gore...

Do you ever wake up suddenly to a falling sensation and a strong muscle twitch just after you have fallen asleep?
More at Discovery...

Not Al, but it might be that bone-domed singer out of Midnight Oil*...

(*tee hee, thanks Skeeter!)


Skeeter said...

At last, a name for them.
I long ago decided that hypnic jerks were natural and not harmful. It often happens when I doze off watching the TV.
My biggest worry was that someone might be watching me while it happened. I wouldn't like anybody to think I had the same disease as that Midnight Oil bloke.

Anonymous said...

Sure Skeeter, but can you sing. You know.....nannng, nannnng, nannnnng, nannnng, schtummm, schtummmmm etc. Mehaul.

Skeeter said...

I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, Mehaul, but an old lady once asked me for an encore after my miming to a Cliff Richards record.

Anonymous said...

I have these ALL the time. I want to say it started about a year ago but recently got worse to where my spouse will no longer sleep in the same bed and fears i may go into a seizure. I never realized how big of a problem it was until he mentioned it. :(