Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You know how the previous regime stifled dissent....

Ain't a patch on the current one.

THIS week the Greens did something out of the ordinary. They expressed concern that the Rudd government is spending too much money. Not famous for their economic credentials, it is a refreshingly fine idea from the Greens. We do need debate about whether it’s time to pull back on stimulus spending that threatens to leave the country in massive debt for decades to come. So let’s hear from the head of Treasury to reassess Australia’s economic position, says Bob Brown. The Treasurer says the unanimous decision of the G20 finance ministers in London is to continue the stimulus. In other words, the debate is over. The government has spoken.

It is a curious and chilling notion that a debate, any debate, can be over. But this seems to be the way the Rudd government likes it. Seen through the prism of politics, you’d expect the ruling party to espouse the idea that their word is the final word. But from an intellectual stance, it’s about as bone-headed as you can get.
Check it out, Janet Albrechtsen's column...


daddy dave said...

the bizarre thing is, they seem to honestly not care about waste, on the grounds that the moneys all going out there and "stimulating."
But this means they've taken their eye off the ball. Such a blaze attitude will surely bite them in the arse.

kae said...

Hi Daddy
I'd like to think that people were noticing...

but I reckon that the ALP voters still have their eyes closed and their ears shut.