Saturday, October 9, 2010


I. Can't. Say. That.

Arkensaw. If it's pronounced "Arkensaw" why not spell it like that?

Yosemite causes trouble, too. My urge is to pronounce it yo-semite, not yo-samitty.

Mind you , I'm pretty good at Aussie pronunciation.


Anonymous said...

Very good questions kae,

Arkansas always puzzled me, I think it must have been a mistake either in spelling or pronunciation originally, but I'm ignorant of the facts so any info would be welcome.

How would you pronounce my fav. SF writer's name "Modesitt"


kae said...

Arkansas - well, why don't they pronounce "Kansas" Kansaw? Huh?

Modesitt? Not a clue.

Could be modess-it?


Anonymous said...

I prefer the latter but alas it's the former, I don't know why, it just feels better to me, but I always was a weird one.

(btw. he is a very good SF author, takes about 20 pages to get used to his writing though)

See you have more keys now than you know what to do with eh?
At least you can lose one now, provided you label the remaining ones!?


kae said...

Keys, keys, keys - I have mower keys up the wazoo.

There are keys on the keyrack. And the spare I purchased is still in its plastic bag I purchased it in and kept safely in the Housewifes' Tool Box (bottom drawer, kitchen). Kept it in the bag so I know what it's the danged key for!

Anonymous said...

What ye watching?

I'm a sucker for the offbeat, watching mega disasters,
stupid I know but can't help it.
Can't be the sophisticated suave, know it all, man for all seasons all the time can I?


Anonymous said...

hi kae ... didn't you watch bugs bunny to know how yosemite was pronounced? ... if not, your a lily livered, bow legged varmint ... ha! stevo

kae said...

Good grief, LouMac. Are you looking over my shoulder?
I taped New Tricks for later enjoyment, I've watched the air disaster one on 7Mate, a repeat, and I'm watching the comet one because I can't be bothered changing the channel and it's all that is on... and I'm wanting a hot cuppa and I'm trying to read some blogs.
You should email.

kae said...

Mode-sitt would make more sense, though. I'll have to look him/her up.

$AUS is high and I wish I had a ready list of books to buy from Amazon, I should do it tomorrow. I really want Tuesdays With Maurie and all the books by the same author.

kae said...

Hey Stevo, is that you from the Shire?
How the hell are ya? What's happenin'?
I know how to pronounce it from Bugs and Yosamite Sam, but it's the place...

kae said...

Oh, the progam I'm watching is about asteroid strikes on earth and what they did.

Anonymous said...

hi kae, yes it's me ... i go to your blog daily to read, it's amongst several others on my to read list, but very rarely post these days ... left the burwood job 12 months ago ... but going bloody well ... still here in the shire

kae said...

You should email, too. Let me know what you've been up to.
I'll be in Sydney in the new year I think, I have a wedding to go to up Gosford way in early January.

Albury Shifton said...

Try saying "Poughkeepsie"

Anonymous said...

will do ... back to your post, i want to read "architecture of the arkansas ozarks" ... it's on my to read list ... have you or any of your readers read it? stevo

kae said...



That's soooo gay!

kae said...

Arkitekchore of the Arkensaw Oasarx?


Anonymous said...

"P'kipsee." Chattahoochee. Kansas: from a Sioux word meaning "people of the south wind."

Read more: American Indian Place Names

American Indian names. Both our countries have some dandies that are NOT from the indigenous people, too!

My home town is Havre, Montana. Havre - from the French. Pronounced Hav'ur. Whereas a quarterback with the Minnesota Vikings (American football) last name is Favre. Pronounced FAR' V. He's from Hell, Mississippi.

I LOVE this stuff!

kae said...

That's easy for you to say, kc!

Anonymous said...

Try saying Puyallup. It's a small town next to Tacoma, Washington. You can always tell newcomers as that's the last word they learn to pronounce.

(Pronounced "Pew-wall-up. "Pew" as in church pew.)