Friday, January 14, 2011

Toowoomba, looking over the Lockyer Valley

This image is taken from the area called Picnic Point, it is at the top of the range, to the east of Toowoomba.

I have an image, but someone is in the photo and I can't use it.


Mouldy said...

Hi Kae,there is certainly some beautiful looking country up your way.
I haven't been to Toowoomba since I was about 6 or 7.

Merilyn said...

O/T a bit gee was so sorry to read about this,[sarc] do you think this man will do anything to get his photo and name in the news?

kae said...

He's a famewhore.

I heard he'd cut his foot faffing around in the floodwaters.

Seeing him help the old bloke by carrying his leg I doubt that anyone would want that inept dweeb helping them to do anything. (Damn, I can't find the image of him help to carry the old man down the stairs, one leg at a time...)

Merilyn said...

"famewhore" Agree! Like "vapid Creep" to!