I had to take a friend to the railway station, to catch a train, to catch a plane to fly out to Ireland to meet his wife. She is a member of a pipe band and they are touring.
My friend's son drove the car and needed another driver with him as he's not yet licensed.
We had to leave at 5:15am. Not so bad, it was cold, but because it was still dark it wasn't as cold as it could get.
It's unusual for me to be driven into Ipswich on the road I travel every morning to work (I just go a bit further than Ipswich). I enjoyed it!
Coming home it was light, but the sun was not yet up. There's not a cloud in the sky, it's been like that every day for about a week, particularly in the morning. Thismorning there was frost everywhere. I wish I had taken my camera - the one with the flat batteries*, I could have taken some good pix (*the batteries only lasted four weeks this time, time to get a new camera, Ixus is on special at Tricky Dicky's, but I have rates coming up...). My house is high and there wasn't any frost near my house, but when I looked at the colourbond roof there it was, sparkling.
Winter mornings aren't so bad.
When you're sleeping through them.
Or on weekdays, when I've left home an hour or more before sunrise.
Looks like it's going to be frosty all week, too.
It was 90F here today...maybe 94? I think we only had frost 3 or 4 times last winter. Thanks for the reminder that this WILL pass!
Hmmm: swvgdkqe
Hi kc
It's still cold here, sun's shining, and the fire has warmed up the living end of the house. My feet are frozen, I just had a nap for a couple of hours (broken sleep last night was not good and I have to work tomorrow). I don't mind winter, it passes. We're more than half way. The jasmine is blooming already. I must do something about my camera!
Don't ask me where they get those anti-spam passwords - I need them for my personal email!
Funny isn't it? When there is no cloud cover, the nights are cold. Now I wonder if there is anything about that little observation that would have something to do with climate? No I guess not because we all know it’s all about CO2.
Meanwhile, here in Sydney it’s been a little chilly. Yesterday I had another load of firewood delivered which seemed to concern a neighbour who wondered if it was a sign that the cold weather would continue. Naturally I reassured her that the cold weather would continue.
Today when I went for a bike ride, the weather turned and it became overcast with rain and lots of wind. And at about 1 pm I noticed some white flecks on my jacket sleeves. Yes folks - that’s right - snow in Sydney or perhaps it was more likely sleet. Hmmm.. the last time I saw snow in Sydney was back in the 80s and then I only noticed some snow flurries from an upstairs window that did not land as snow. It's been a while. I suppose we needed the likes of Flannery and Wong to activate the climate.
Hi Wand
I love the clearness of cold winter nights (and days), just that there's no haze. (I don't like the COLD part of it, though!)
(But cold has it's uses, too....)
Anyway, you KNOW there's no such thing as snow in Sydney. It's melted hail. I was there week before last when it didn't snow.
It was BLOODY C-C-C-C-Cold!
Oh Wand, a bike ride in Sydney?
You're a braver man than I am, Gunga Din!
Oh Wand, a bike ride in Sydney?
You're a braver man than I am, Gunga Din!
I wouldn't miss it. In fact if I do, I can be known to get grumpy -- well not really but the area here is just so nice with challenging hills as well as some great bike trails through the bush. Nothing to do with bravery.
Ah yes the melted hail story.. yeah I saw that one too. B/S I thought. If I remember correctly that was where some clown from CSIRO was saying that the reported snow in Sydney in the 19th century could not have been correct because the people then didn't truly know real snow. Oh yes, I thought. CRAP (Trademark Andrew Bolt). If anything, people in the 19th century would probably have a better idea because more of them would have personal experience with snow having just arrived. But the CSIRO man was playing the vocabulary game - it couldn't be snow (by today's definition). God help us ... say no more.
PS I know snow when I see it, so there!
It. Was. Snow.
I was seeing Pogs off from Mum's that arvo and outside it was FREEZING. I told her it must've snowed, and I was only half joking.
Her son said it was snow, he saw flurries at their place!
I've just had an email from my brother who lives in the country down Yass/Gunning way. It's snowing there right now and he sent a few pictures taken less than 10 minutes ago.
He says the snow isn't staying long but the ground looks pretty white to me.
I blame George Bush.
1. Send me the pix! (if they are OK to put up)
2. Can't we blame Flannery? Gore, Gore, he's responsible for the cold isn't he? Untimely blizzards, etc?
Yass. I remember visiting a G/F in Canberra years ago. I was about 17. A bloke was very keen on her and she basically ignored him. He wanted to go for a ride on his motorcyle with her, her mum suggested he take me. We went to Yass for a milkshake. Nothing now, but this was in about 1975 and winter.
I fell asleep on the back of the bike, it was after midnight and I was a bit tired!
I had an auntie, Nanna's cousin, who had a dairy at, um, Booroowa, near yass. Happy memories of a few visits with her as a child and lovely fresh devonshire teas made by her with fresh cream from the cows - and even drinking milk straight from the cows.
Childhood memories.
They're all gone now, those people.
They're all gone now, those people.
Happens. Change is constant and I say the older I become, the more dead people I know.
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