Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Food miles...

In linguistic terms "food miles" now joins "carbon footprint" in giving us all a little something extra to worry about.

On breakfast ABC today an interview with a bloke who has cashed in on this. Described as a "locovore" by the breakfast announcer, he has set up website to provide access to local produce in Brisbane which can be ordered on line and is then delivered. The produce is sourced from within 100km of Brisbane, and "food miles" of produce which is unable to be sourced locally are taken into consideration as well.

Some of his catch phrases and words were:

carbon footprint
local produce, where does the seed come from?
local produce, where does the chemical/fertilizer come from?
monocultures (there's a reason farmers concentrate on one crop, it has to do with productivity, efficiency, and economic use of land)

I think this is it. Have a look around.

The Food Connect Project is based upon the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model where a number of families (subscribers) pay and provide a stable market for a number of farmers who are growing genuine food.

Genuine food. Is there any other kind? Fake food?

I guess they're not into plastic food?

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