Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Guest Workers in Australia

There's a scheme in NZ (PDF) to bring in guest workers from Pacific Islands.

The Rudd Government wants to import 2,500 fruit pickers into areas where there is high unemployment (Bolt link), especially amongst Aborigines.

It seems this will cost quite a bit of money. Guess who'll be paying?

Aussies should be employed in Australia, however, if they aren't prepared to work, what can you do?


Skeeter said...

Saw one report saying that the growers will pay half the costs and we tax-payers the other half.
It must make it a very attractive deal for the imported workers. They will be paid Australian award rates as well as travel and accommodation expenses.

Anonymous said...

"however, if they aren't prepared to work, what can you do? "

I'd ship the lazy #$%^'s off to france...