Saturday, August 16, 2008

ROME episodes 1-3

Almost finished episode 3 in Series 1.

Already there's been more sex on my TV than I've been within touching distance of in the last 15 years*.

Apparently not historically correct**, it mixes up real characters, however, it is supposed to be the story of the two soldiers.

Now, I have to do the work around the place I must do... right after I make a cuppa and watch the end of episode 3.

I had forgotten how clever the titles were, and the scripts are pretty good, too. The episodes are filled with information, you must watch because quite often little things mean a lot later in the plot.

*I'm soooo tragic. (I'd settle for a nice dinner and a cuddle!)
**this bloke has apparently reviewed many eps of Rome. Thanks to Minicapt for the links...

A little something for the girls in episode 4.... fleetingly.

Update 2:
A big something for the girls in episode 6.... mesmerisingly.


Boy on a bike said...

I was once told that 90% of the pedestrians hit by cars were drunker than the drivers that hit them.

I doubt it is accurate, but the sentiment is correct.

These days, it is probably truer to say that 90% of pedestrians hit by cars were more distracted by their mobile phone/blackberry/iPod than the driver that hit them.

Boy on a bike said...

How did this comment end up on the wrong post?

I must be going mad or blind.