Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Michael Pate dead at 88

Michael Pate.

Australian actor and writer passed away yesterday aged 88 (I had no idea he was so old, but he has been around forever!).

It used to be fun to watch old movies and see Michael Pate playing Indians and just about any character you could imagine. With his craggy, acne-marked face. He was in just about everything!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Kae, sad loss, great life, fine actor.

Plus all those old 'Homicide' type TV shows in the 60's where he turned up regularly.

And he was born in Drummoyne just like li'l ol me. I do recall my movie-mad granma (who always knew the Aussie connections in all the old films) pointing this out.


Anonymous said...

Kae. I think that way all the time when someone like Pate dies. I'm astounded to hear how old 'he/she' is. Pate is a classic example. I remember him so well. He also had a son who did a bit of acting and milked his surname. Which means he must be in his 60s.

My father in law is a good example, he was a bit older than I am now when I met him and now he's 87.

Here comes Heaven.

Mehaul of east of Skeeter