Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Morning routine

First alarm 4:45am
Go ‘way!
Second alarm 4:55am
5:00 am… gotta get up now.
Let Floyd off to wake poor old Bundy (15 in April) and jump all over Meg.
It’s foggy after the storm yesterday afternoon.
Check dogs’ water.
Inside, brush teeth.
Collect work clothes off line… evict tiny frog from trouser waistband.
Hang work clothes on bed.
Gather fruit and other foodstuffs from fridge and leave, with handbag, by front door.
Remember coffee mug, put that by the bag and fruit.
Fill Floyd’s food bowl under pergola, check drinking water and “paddle-pool” (for water and cane toads).
5:20am – gather bribes of Schmackos for dogs and leash, and entice Floyd back to pergola.
5:30am – bribe Floyd with Schmackos and rawhide bone.
Change into work clothes…
Wet pocket!
Remove slacks and evict tiny frog from trouser pocket…
Replace trousers.
Gather stuff at front door.
Place stuff and self in car.
5:37 On my way.

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