Friday, July 31, 2009

"There is no such thing as a corruption-free government"

These are the words I just saw and heard spoken by Anna Bligh, Premier of Queensland, on the Channel Seven news.

They may have been "taken out of context", however, I suspect she wasn't thinking clearly when she made that statement.

I'm sure what she meant to say was "if any corruption is found in my government it will be cleaned up, and the perpetrators dismissed".

Read a snippet about recent Qld Government corruption here.

How interesting after the stink raised by the ALP over a political donation by a millionaire to the NLP. The ALP raised accusations of the donor buying favours with the donation. I don't think anything much was said about the truckloads of money shovelled at the ALP by the unions.


Skeeter said...

You're right, Kae. I heard her say it too.

splice said...

I don't think anything much was said about the truckloads of money shovelled at the ALP by the unions.

Beggin’ your pardon, ma’am, but they’ll be measuring the scale of their ill gotten booty as modern pirates, lubberly as they be…

Which means they’ll be dividing the spoils amongst their loyal unionist shipmates in metric shitloads!