Sunday, August 30, 2009


Julia Gillard - will she be burnt out?

Economic stimulus package, schools...

Kennedy funeral - yawn. Did Barry O know Teddy? I'd want a close friend to deliver my eulogy, not someone high profile.

Gerard Henderson, The Sydney Institute - child migrants to get formal apology. Don't forget the ones who did well and were looked after.

Dennis Atkins, The Courier Mail - What did he talk about?

Misha Schubert, The Age - big dry in Melbourne not drought, it's climate change*... scientists have said so. Misha says that she's disappointed that Andrew Bolt isn't there today to argue with about this issue.

James Anaya, UN examiner regarding the racism etc. in Australia against aborigines. And bloody good on Jenny Macklin defending 'looking after the weakest in the community'.

Tony Abbot, studio guest, talking about the indigenous affairs situation, and how Jenny Macklin has grown into a sensible adult from a leftist.

Your Shout... why is the opposition still out of style... asked at the fashion festival in Brisbane. (Will you hold that bloody camera still!)

* I call bullshit on that study. After all, in the recent history of Australia's weather we have excellent records since 1770... don't we? And the proof is that they are saying it is proof... I guess that as for a two-year-old the "because I say so" argument is enough for them to make us believe them.

Mischa and Gerard arguing about the UN diagnosis and verdict on the rights which should be given to Aboriginals to look after themselves.

Was Mischa listening to/reading a different Anaya report?

1 comment:

Egg said...

The Met Bureau/CSIRO tards' *modelling* found that only when they upped the ante with their input (AGW) variables they could mimic the observed *maxima* effects of the subtropical ridge? No shit?

From a mob who can't reliably predict the weather 3 days out?

Puhlease ...