Saturday, September 5, 2009

Way to spread the blame

Redirect the blame to the rescuers, say they did the wrong thing.

AFGHAN refugees struggling in the ocean in the aftermath of an explosion aboard their vessel off Ashmore reef in April this year were allegedly kicked and fended off by Australian Defence Force members as they tried to climb aboard inflatable rescue boats.
Of course. It was all the fault of the Defence members.


Pedro the Ignorant said...

I would like to know who these "well placed sources" are.

Sound like Maryloon Sheephead rhetoric to me;
"Reffos good, Navy bad" (repeat ad infinitum)

The time frame taken and lack of information from the NT police to the public about this murder case is disgraceful. Now add attempting to blame the RAN into the mix.
Cover up or just hoping that everyone will forget about it?

kae said...

Hi Pedro, shhhhh, I won't tell!
Pop over to Kev Gillett's blog, link on the left. He makes a good point about the whys, as does the first commenter.

First, keep the rescuer safe.

WV: inginger
A redheaded engineer engaged in an engineering job.