Sunday, May 30, 2010


Andrew Bolt is in the centre seat...

Advertising by the government, taxpayer funded. Interesting how the finger is pointed at Howard, and the previous government, who spent $280M in today's money on advertising in their final year, whereas the ALP have only spent less than that much ($200M) in the past 2 years.

Funny, how much is it when you add up all the broken promises and the shemes and plans which have cost money? The batts, the $900 tax rebate, the grossly swollen costs of the BER, and so on.

BER? Building the Education Revolution? Ha. Shoulda paid more for more teachers...


Merilyn said...

Howard is to blame for everything, just like Bush is in the US, it's their fault that all those boat people are arriving, that the BER's have blown out, that the batts caught on fire and anything else that has gone wrong. [Sarc]
Rudd just wants his seat at the U.N. and nothing is going right!
That's Howard's fault to!

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kae said...

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